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Kiedy grozi Ci wykreślenie z rejestru

W czasach, gdy organizatorzy turystyki są na cenzurowanym, warto pamiętać, że przepisy za pewne rodzaje uchybień przewidują sankcje w postaci wykreślenia z rejestru, a czasem nawet zakazu prowadzenia działalności.

Najczęściej decyzje o wykreśleniu przedsiębiorcy z rejestru organizatorów turystyki i pośredników turystycznych lub o zakazie wykonywania działalności objętej wpisem wydawane są po przeprowadzeniu postępowania kontrolnego. Warto pamiętać, że nie zawsze wykreślenie z rejestru wiąże się z zakazem prowadzenia działalności. Za co i kiedy branżowi przedsiębiorcy mogą spotkać się z takimi sankcjami? 

Wykreślenie i zakaz – łącznie?
Z sytuacją, gdy wykreślenie z rejestru wiąże się zakazem prowadzenia działalności, możemy spotkać się wtedy, gdy przedsiębiorca naruszy obowiązki wymienione w ustawie o działalności gospodarczej (art. 9 ust. 3 pkt 1 u.u.t. w zw. z art. 71 ust. 1 ustawy o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej). Przepisy przewidują kilka przypadków, w których takie wykreślenie jest obligatoryjne.
Stanie się tak wtedy, gdy złożymy oświadczenie o spełnieniu warunków wymaganych do wykonywania działalności (turystycznej) niezgodne ze stanem faktycznym (art. 71 ust. 1 pkt 1 u.s.d.g.). By wiedzieć, co ma się znaleźć w takim oświadczeniu, należy sięgnąć do przepisów u.u.t., które wprowadzają dokładną treść tego oświadczenia oraz określają dane które powinny się tam znaleźć. Może się zdarzyć, że pomimo niezgodnego ze stanem faktycznym oświadczenia, działalność do rejestru zostanie wpisana. Jeśli jednak fakt ten wyjdzie na jaw, należy liczyć się z możliwością wykreślenia z rejestru.
Z wykreśleniem należy liczyć się wtedy, gdy przedsiębiorca nie usunął naruszeń warunków wymaganych do wykonywania działalności regulowanej w wyznaczonym przez organ terminie art. 71 ust. 1 pkt 2 u.s.d.g). Najczęściej będzie tu chodziło o przypadki pokontrolnych zaleceń.
Powodem wykreślenia z rejestru i zakazu działalności jest sytuacja, w której stwierdzone zostanie rażące naruszenie warunków wymaganych do wykonywania działalności regulowanej przez przedsiębiorcę (art. 71 ust. 1 pkt 3 u.s.d.g). Aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jakie naruszenie uważane jest za rażące, należy z kolei sięgnąć do u.u.t. Zgodnie z jej art. 10a rażącym naruszeniem warunków wykonywania działalności jest proponowanie klientowi zawarcia lub zawarcie z klientem umowy o imprezę turystyczną bez odpowiedniego zabezpieczenia, a w przypadku rachunku powierniczego bez złożenia marszałkowi oświadczenia o przyjmowaniu wpłat na rachunek powierniczy. Warto zauważyć, że przepis ten mówi o „proponowaniu” a nie zawieraniu umowy o imprezę turystyczną.
Ta sama sankcja przewidziana jest nie przedłożenie, mimo wezwania, marszałkowi województwa oryginału lub potwierdzonego przez podmioty, które go podpisały, odpisu aktualnego dokumentu, potwierdzającego posiadanie zabezpieczenia. Jeśli zatem organizator zostanie wezwany do przedstawienia tych dokumentów, np. w terminie 7 dni, to w zakreślonym terminie powinien wykazać, że znajduje się w posiadaniu tych dokumentów (przedstawić je).
Pozostałe dwa przypadki są rzadko spotykane. Chodzi o wykonywanie działalności poza zakresem terytorialnym określonym we wniosku oraz przyjmowanie od klientów wpłat z pominięciem rachunku powierniczego.
W przypadku opisanych naruszeń marszałek wydaje z urzędu decyzję o wykreśleniu przedsiębiorcy z rejestru oraz o zakazie wykonywania działalności objętej wpisem do rejestru przez okres 3 lat.
Zakaz wykonywania działalności otrzymają również organizatorzy turystyki lub pośrednicy turystyczni działający bez wymaganego wpisu do rejestru (z oczywistych powodów nie będzie tu decyzji o wykreśleniu z rejestru, a jedynie stwierdzenie wykonywania działalności bez wymaganego wpisu). Warto przy tym pamiętać, że brak wpisu może powodować dalsze konsekwencje (np. problemy z fiskusem). Sprawy, w których przedsiębiorca nie miał wpisu w rejestrze, są dość częste i zwykle sporne jest w nich to, czy dany podmiot rzeczywiście powinien posiadać wpis. 

Po okresie zawieszenia konieczna jest informacja
Zdarzają się też sytuacje, gdy zostanie wydana decyzja tylko o wykreśleniu z rejestru. Można się z nią spotkać w przypadku okresowego zawieszenia wykonywania działalności. Przepisy przewidują, że o takim zawieszeniu, jego przedłużeniu lub wznowieniu wykonywania działalności przedsiębiorca musi zawiadomić pisemnie organ prowadzący rejestr w terminie 7 dni. W wypadku niepowiadomienia przez przedsiębiorcę o wznowieniu wykonywania działalności, po upływie okresu zawieszenia organ prowadzący rejestr z urzędu wykreśla, w drodze decyzji, przedsiębiorcę z rejestru (art. 7a u.u.t.). 

Wykreślenie dla agenta
Warto też pamiętać o uregulowaniu dotyczącym działalności agentów. Art. 10b u.u.t. przewiduje dodatkowo trzy uchybienia w działalności, które powodują wykreślenie z rejestru. Pierwszy dotyczy sytuacji, gdy agent w umowach zawieranych z klientami nie wskazuje jednoznacznie właściwego organizatora turystyki, którego reprezentuje. Przepis ten należy interpretować w ten sposób, że chodzi nie tylko o sytuacje, gdy umowa milczy w tym zakresie, lecz także takie, gdy jej zapisy są nieprecyzyjne. W ostatnim przypadku może pojawić się problem w stwierdzeniu, na ile niejednoznaczne mają być zapisy umowy. Co do zasady należałoby, przyjąć że powinny być na tyle jasne, aby klient bez kłopotu mógł zidentyfikować i odnaleźć organizatora. Drugi przypadek dotyczy sytuacji, gdy agent zawiera umowy o organizowanie imprez turystycznych na rzecz przedsiębiorcy, który nie uzyskał wpisu do rejestru. W tym wypadku nie powinny powstać istotne problemy interpretacyjne – zarówno organizator, jak i działający na jego rzecz agent poniosą konsekwencje braku wpisu. Natomiast bardzo istotny jest trzeci przypadek. Wykreślenie nastąpi wtedy, gdy agent działa bez ważnej umowy agencyjnej lub przekracza jej zakres.
Wykreślony z rejestru agent nie może ponownie być wpisany do rejestru przed upływem 3 lat od dnia, w którym decyzja o wykreśleniu z rejestru i o zakazie wykonywania działalności objętej wpisem do rejestru stała się ostateczna 

Uwaga na przepisy szczególne
Dobrze jest pamiętać, że przypadki wykreślenia z rejestru czy zakazu prowadzenia działalności mogą też przewidywać przepisy szczególne normujące dany rodzaj działalności. Jako przykład posłużyć mogą przepisy prawa łowieckiego (art.22a). I tak przepisy tej ustawy zawierają normy skierowane do przedsiębiorców podejmujących i wykonujących działalność gospodarczą polegającą na świadczeniu usług turystycznych związanych z polowaniami. W przypadku stwierdzenia naruszeń warunków wymaganych do prowadzenia takiej działalności, przedsiębiorca zostanie wezwany do usunięcia naruszeń w wyznaczonym terminie. Brak takiego usunięcia skutkuje wydaniem decyzji o zakazie wykonywania działalności przez okres 3 lat.  JT

Od decyzji o wykresleniu lub zakazie prowadzenia działalności można się odwołać. Skargę rozpoznaje Minister Sportu i Turystyki. Od jego decyzji mozna odwołać się do właściwego Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego.
Istotne jest to, że w przypadku naruszeń przepisów ustawy, decyzja podlega natychmiastowemu wykonaniu. Wpis w rejestrze wykresla się z urzędu.

2012-11-09 16:25:00


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Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis The recommended dosage of Astelin Nasal Sprinkler in pediatric patients 5 years to 11 years of seniority is anybody sprayer per nostril twice daily. Powerful Supplying Instructions Provide with Astelin Nasal Posy during the intranasal route only. Astelin (azelastine hydrochloride) Nasal Spray, 137 micrograms (mcg), is an antihistamine formulated as a metered-spray mixture for intranasal administration. Azelastine hydrochloride occurs as a silver, almost odorless, crystalline ability with a nasty taste. It has a molecular load of 418.37. It is sparingly soluble in sea water, methanol, and propylene glycol and to a certain soluble in ethanol, octanol, and glycerine. It has a melting station of upon 225°C and the pH of a saturated deciphering is between 5.0 and 5.4. Its chemical respect is (±)-1-(2H)-phthalazinone,4-<>4chlorophenyl) methyl]-2-(hexahydro-1-methyl-1H-azepin-4-yl)-, monohydrochloride. Its molecular method is C22H24ClN3O•HCl with the following chemical structure: ASTELIN (azelastine hydrochloride) Structural Formulary Representation Astelin Nasal Distribute contains 0.1% azelastine hydrochloride in an aqueous elucidation at pH 6.8 ± 0.3. It also contains benzalkonium chloride (125 mcg/mL), edetate disodium, hypromellose, citric acid, dibasic sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, and purified water. After priming <see>DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION], each metered bouquet delivers a 0.137 mL aid of volume containing 137 mcg of azelastine hydrochloride (corresponding to 125 mcg of azelastine wicked). The spunk can commit 200 metered sprays.What are the precautions when alluring azelastine hydrochloride (Astelin)? In front of using azelastine, apprise your doctor or apothecary if you are allergic to it; or if you have any other allergies. This offshoot may repress placid ingredients (such as preservatives like benzalkonium chloride), which can undertaking allergic reactions or other problems. Talk to your pill pusher representing more details. Ahead using this medication, predict your doctor or posologist your medical history, uniquely of: kidney problems. This analgesic may establish you drowsy. Do not pilot, use machinery, or do any interest that requires alertness until you are steadfast you can perform such activities safely. Limit serious beverages. This medication should be in use accustomed to no greater than when distinctly needed during pregnancy. Chat about the risks and benefits with your doctor. It is not known whether this...<a href=> Astelin kaufen</a> Nasal Jelly is indicated for the treatment of the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in adults and pediatric patients 5 years and older, and owing the treatment of the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis in adults and adolescent patients 12 years and older.What is Astelin? Astelin (azelastine) is an antihistamine that reduces the effects of halfwit chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can provide symptoms of sneezing, itching, pallid eyes, and runny nose. Astelin Nasal Nosegay prevents sneezing, itching, runny nose, and other nasal symptoms of allergies. This nostrum is in compensation seasonal allergies in adults and children who are at least 2 years ramshackle, and championing year-round allergies in adults and children as under age as 6 months old. Astelin may also be used for the benefit of purposes not listed in this medication guide. Important communication Go along with all directions on your medicament label and package. Charge each of your healthcare providers near all your medical conditions, allergies, and all medicines you use. Astelin may ruin ' your ratiocinative or reactions. Be wary if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert. In front using Astelin, touch on your doctor if you regularly use other medicines that make you lethargic (such as common cold or allergy drug, sedatives, anaesthetic woe medicament, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, and medicine as seizures, concavity, or anxiety). They can add to sleepiness caused at near Astelin. Slideshow: Height Balk Tips - Seasonal Allergies Lid Prevention Tips - Seasonal Allergies Drinking booze can raise settled side effects of Astelin. Call your doctor if your symptoms do not put, or if they get worse while using Astelin. Choke up using this physic and dial your doctor at periodically if you have immoral or uneven heartbeats, tightness in your box, or if you feel succinct of breath.Before taking this medicine You should not urgency Astelin if you are allergic to azelastine. To coerce unavoidable Astelin Nasal Promulgate is non-poisonous for you, bring to light your doctor hither all of your medical conditions. Confess your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

2015-10-21 11:29 aaronalexander

Common side effects of Mobic tabulate relish trouble, nausea, drowsiness, or diarrhea. The recommended matured starting and keep dose of Mobic is 7.5 mg. The climax recommended adult daily verbal dose is 15 mg. It is not recommended for the sake of waste during the model 3 months of pregnancy straight membership fee to feasible badness to a fetus. It is unknown if this medication passes into chest milk. Correspond to drugs pass into bust draw off and are inauspicious to iniquity a nursing infant. Consult your doctor in preference to breast-feeding. Our Mobic (meloxicam) Side Effects Slip someone a mickey finn Center provides a encyclopedic way of thinking of readily obtainable drug advice on the potential side effects when taking this medication. SIDE EFFECTS: Make up one's mind also Warning section. Pot surprise, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea may occur. If any of these effects persist or decline, admit your doctor or pharmacologist promptly. Recognize that your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the profit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Multitudinous people using this medication do not have solemn side effects. Tell your doctor precise away if you enjoy any serious side effects, including: easy bruising/bleeding, persistent/severe bother, mental/mood changes, sudden/unexplained substance advantage, swelling of the hands/feet, shift in the amount of urine, unexplained howling neck, out of the ordinary tiredness. This opiate may once in a blue moon cause serious (peradventure inevitable) liver disease. Fall heir to medical support honestly away if you have any symptoms of liver hurt, including: cheerless urine, unending nausea/vomiting/loss of tendency, stomach/abdominal aching, yellowing eyes/skin. A unusually momentous allergic retaliation to this opiate is rare. However, get medical help revenge away if you observe any symptoms of a sombre allergic reaction, including: epidemic, itching/swelling (above all of the face/tongue/throat), rigorous dizziness, take the trouble breathing. This is not a finish muster of admissible side effects. If you observation other effects not listed first of all, contact your doctor or pharmacist. Adults Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis The MOBIC Form 2/3 clinical test database includes 10,122 OA patients and 1012 RA patients treated with MOBIC 7.5 mg/day, 3505 OA patients and 1351 RA patients treated with MOBIC 15 mg/day. <a href=>Mobic kaufen Ohne Rezept</a> at these doses was administered to 661 patients recompense at least 6 months and to 312 patients for at least possibly man year. Around 10,500 of these patients were treated in ten placebo- and/or active-controlled osteoarthritis trials and 2363 of these patients were treated in ten placebo- and/or active-controlled rheumatoid arthritis trials. Gastrointestinal (GI) adverse events were the most again reported adverse events in all treatment groups across MOBIC trials. A 12-week multicenter, double-blind, randomized proof was conducted in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee or hip to look like the efficacy and safety of MOBIC with placebo and with an on the go control. Two 12-week multicenter, double-blind, randomized trials were conducted in patients with rheumatoid arthritis to contrast the efficacy and shelter of MOBIC with placebo. Table 1a depicts adverse events that occurred in ? 2% of the MOBIC treatment groups in a 12-week placebo- and active-controlled osteoarthritis trial. Inventory 1b depicts adverse events that occurred in ? 2% of the MOBIC treatment groups in two 12-week placebo-controlled rheumatoid arthritis trials.Pediatrics Pauciarticular and Polyarticular Process Puerile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) Three hundred and eighty-seven patients with pauciarticular and polyarticular track JRA were exposed to MOBIC with doses ranging from 0.125 to 0.375 mg/kg per era in three clinical trials. These studies consisted of two 12-week multicenter, double-blind, randomized trials (individual with a 12-week open-label adjunct and a man with a 40-week ell) and a man 1-year open-label PK study. The adverse events observed in these pediatric studies with MOBIC were similar in description to the matured clinical tribulation exposure, although there were differences in frequency. In specific, the following most average adverse events, abdominal wretchedness, vomiting, diarrhea, bane, and pyrexia, were more stock in the pediatric than in the full-grown trials. Careless was reported in seven ( < 2%) patients receiving MOBIC. No unexpected adverse events were identified during the path of the trials. The adverse events did not manifest an age or gender-specific subgroup effect. The following is a list of adverse remedy reactions occurring in < 2% of patients receiving MOBIC in clinical trials involving approximately 16,200 patients.Post Marketing Know The following adverse reactions include been identified during despatch go along with put to use of MOBIC. Because these reactions are reported gratuitously from a people of uncertain range, it is not always admissible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to antidepressant exposure. Decisions nearby whether to take in an adverse happening from immediate reports in labeling are typically based on in unison or more of the following factors: (1) seriousness of the regardless, (2) gang of reports, or (3) power of causal relationship to the drug. Adverse reactions reported in worldwide dispatch marketing knowledge or the creative writings include: cutting urinary retention; agranulocytosis; alterations in attitude (such as temper lump); anaphylactoid reactions including shock; erythema multiforme; exfoliative dermatitis; interstitial nephritis; jaundice; liver non-performance; Stevens-Johnson syndrome, and toxic epidermal necrolysis.Uses Meloxicam is habituated to to take up arthritis. It reduces annoyance, bulge, and stiffness of the joints. Meloxicam is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory sedate (NSAID). If you are treating a habitual mould such as arthritis, about a invite your doctor around non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to conduct towards your pain.

2015-10-23 12:54 aaronallen

Dub your doctor at in days gone by if you have symptoms of liver harm, such as nausea, upper appetite vexation, itching, loss of appetite, brown urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the pelt or eyes). Stop delightful terbinafine and denominate your doctor at sporadically if you have a sombre side drift such as: fever, chills, firmness aches, flu symptoms, sores in your gateway and throat; joint bother or swelling, proud glands, patchy decorticate color, or a butterfly-shaped flay deluge for your cheeks and nose; changes in nature or behavior; hearing problems; weight erosion ample to savour changes; raised, silvery flaking of the integument; or harsh incrustation counterbalance -- fever, angry throat, swelling in your face or patois, vehement in your eyes, skin ordeal, followed on a red or purple lamina eczema that spreads (remarkably in the phiz or northern centre) and causes blistering and peeling. Less humourless side effects may classify: upset suffer, gas, diarrhea, mellow nausea or stomach bore; inconvenience, dizziness or spinning commotion; easygoing strip wave or itching; or out of the ordinary or unpleasant nip in your mouth. Before using terbinafine, touch on your doctor if you receive liver or kidney condition, or an autoimmune disorder such as lupus or psoriasis. Skipping doses may also extend your peril of what is more infection that is shedding to antibiotics. Terbinafine require not treat a viral infection such as the vulgar cold or flu. Some people entrancing terbinafine include developed severe liver mutilation leading to liver relocate or death. It is not indisputable whether terbinafine truly caused the liver damage in these patients. In most cases, the submissive had a pensive medical condition first enchanting terbinafine. Shout your doctor at aeons ago if you bear symptoms of liver injury, such as nausea, upper stomach cramp, itching, erosion of love, louring urine, clay-colored stools, jaundice (yellowing of the decorticate or eyes). These events can occur whether or not you have ever had liver problems before. To be convinced this cure-all is not causing pernicious effects, your blood may necessity to be tested often. Your liver commission may also want to be tested. Visit your doctor regularly. It may abide a number of months for the sake of your nails to crop up again to their general aspect after your treatment with terbinafine. What should I about with my healthcare provider ahead attractive terbinafine (<a href=>Lamisil Preis</a> )? You should not from this medication if you are allergic to terbinafine. To fabricate ineluctable you can safely take terbinafine, intimate your doctor if you include any of these other conditions: Lamisil liver disease; kidney illness; a the past of economic decline; or an autoimmune free-for-all such as lupus or psoriasis. FDA pregnancy group B. This medication is not expected to be dangerous to an unborn baby. Let slip your doctor if you are having a bun in the oven or procedure to ripen into replete during treatment. Terbinafine can pass into boob withdraw and may abuse a nursing baby. Do not resort to this medication without important your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. How should I take terbinafine (Lamisil)? Take methodically as prescribed by way of your doctor. Do not perceive in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. Obey the directions on your remedy label. Lamisil Put into place the terbinafine tombstone with a total goggles (8 ounces) of water. Terbinafine granules should be sprinkled into a spoonful of pudding or mashed potatoes (do not mix with applesauce, fruit extract, or other acidic foods). Drink this mixture right away without chewing. Do not set apart the miscellany recompense later use. The terbinafine granule olla podrida should be taken with a meal. Lamisil Terbinafine is customarily taken allowing for regarding 6 to 12 weeks. Understand this medication recompense the maximum prescribed length of time. Your symptoms may fix up in the vanguard the infection is unambiguously cleared. Skipping doses may also dilate your imperil of aid infection that is stubborn to antibiotics. Terbinafine leave not criticize a viral infection such as the common stone-cold or flu. To be unfaltering this nostrum is not causing harmful effects, your blood may basic to be tested often. Your liver responsibility may also need to be tested. Visit your doctor regularly. Keep the terbinafine enunciated granules in their sealed tidy sum until you are ready to use.

2015-10-27 12:31 aaronallen

DEFINITION AND INTRODUCTION An understanding of the physiology of the vagina is essential for the assessment and treatment of vaginal discharges. Normal vaginal secretion is granular and contains desquamated epithelial cells which contain glycogen, cervical mucus and lactobacillus of Doderlein. It is scanty and white or grey in colour. Normally the vaginal epithelium is stimulated and built up under the influence of oestrogens and is rich in glycogen. Glycogen is broken down into sugars by the non-bacterial enzymes which in turn are converted into lactic acid by Doderlein’s bacillus. Though in early childhood under the influence of maternal oestrogens secretion may be acid, from early childhood to adolescence oestrogen influence is lacking. During reproductive life there is normal hormonal influence and normal biological condition is maintained. The administration of oestrogens to patients in two age groups with deficient oestrogen stimulus promptly changes the epithelium and secretion to that of normal vagina. ETIOLOGY Interference with the growth and glycogen content of the vaginal epithelium and change in the normal bacterial flora and pH of the vaginal secretions are pre-disposing factors towards vaginal disease and abnormal discharge. The commonest causes of leucorrhoea are normally increased secretion by increased vascularity, passive congestion during puberty, post-menstrual period and pregnancy, chronic retroverted uterus and congestive cardiac failure. Gonococcal, trichomanas and monilial infections may be responsible. Chronic illness, fatigue, malnutrition and emotional disturbances appear to predispose towards persistent and recurrent vaginal discharge. Vulvovaginitis of childhood and senile vaginitis are considered as infections of underdeveloped and atrophic vaginal epithelium associated with altered vaginal physiology and poor resistance to infection. Lesions in the vaginal wall, pelvic infection, uterine cervix lesions, such as acute and chronic endocervicitis and uterine causes such as retained products of conception, neoplasms and polypus, gonococcal, tubercular or senile endometritis and tubal causes such as chronic inflammation, papilloma and carcinoma of the tube may be responsible for leucorrhoea. TREATMENT Vaginal douches destroy normal vaginal flora and if too frequently used can cause chemical irritation. The principles of treatment of any type of leucorrhoea aim at eliminating the causative organism, restoring normal vaginal flora and preventing reinfection in the simplest and most acceptable way to the patient. I have seen in my practice, that in spite of recognised treatment in a large number of cases the symptoms drag on for years together, leading to complete loss of health and neurosis. This problem induced me to try [url=] Lukol kaufen[/url] tablets in this disorder. THE DRUG Lukol contains Loh Bhasma (iron in its most assimilable form), Withania somnifera, extracts of Saraca indica, Woodfordia floribundi, Symplocos racemosa, Ailanthus excelsa, Leptadenia reticulata and Asparagus recemosus. All the ingredients act synergistically as uterine tonics and nervine sedatives and have a stimulating action on the endometrium and ovarian tissues. Some have astringent action on the mucous membrane and have a sedative effect on the genital tract. MATERIAL AND METHODS This series consists of 75 patients attending the Sonavane Maternity Home with leucorrhoea as their principal complaint. Their ages varied from 13 years to 45 years. As regards marital status, 70 were married while 5 were unmarried. In unmarried patients, menstruation had started 6 to 8 months before the onset of leucorrhoea. One patient was in menopause and had senile vaginitis. Fifty patients were multiparous, 20 sterile and 5 were unmarried girls. The given table gives an idea about the principal as well as side complaints of the patients. The cardio-respiratory and other systems of the patients included in this series were normal. INVESTIGATIONS AND FINDINGS Routine urine and blood examinations were done in all cases. Haemoglobin estimation was done by Sahli’s method. Careful vaginal examinations were done in all married patients before starting the therapy. Findings on vaginal examinations were as follows:— DOSES AND DURATION OF THERAPY Every patient received 2 tablets of Lukol orally thrice daily. The duration of treatment ranged from 1 to 6 weeks. The average duration of treatment was of 3 weeks. Anaemic patients received anti-anaemic drugs along with or prior to Lukol therapy. FOLLOW-UP Vaginal examinations were done every fortnight during the period of therapy and bimonthly during the follow-up period of 6 months. Patients under treatment were interviewed every week and subjective findings were noted down. Clinical results were labelled as excellent when the discharge was completely controlled and there was no recurrence on the cessation of therapy and when accompanying complaints like backache, irregular menses and general debility were corrected. They were considered as fair when there was moderate clinical response and poor when there was little or no response. OBSERVATIONS Uncomplicated cases of leucorrhoea of less than two months’ duration usually responded excellently within a fortnight of Lukol therapy. Chronic cases, however, needed treatment for 3 to 6 weeks. All unmarried patients were completely relieved. Improvement in the general condition was noticed in all the treated cases. In patients with vaginitis, response to Lukol at the end of the first week’s therapy was not satisfactory. During the subsequent weeks, on adding antibiotics and local therapy with pessaries results were gratifying. Endocervicitis was better in 4 cases. Erosion in 6 cases showed healing while other 3 cases needed cauterisation. Tubo-ovarian thickenings and fixity of uterus remained unaffected by Lukol therapy. Seventy cases were regular in treatment as well as follow-up after initial improvement they have been omitted from the series. The following table gives the results of the Lukol therapy:SIDE-EFFECTS OR TOXIC REACTIONS In this series of 70 cases Lukol tablets were administered orally in doses of 2 t.d.s. for an average duration of 3 weeks, yet not a single side effect or sign of toxicity was observed. All patients tolerated the drug excellently. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In our series of 70 cases of leucorrhoea oral Lukol therapy in doses of 2 t.d.s. daily rendered excellent results in 71% cases while 16% cases showed poor response, 13% cases showed moderate improvement. Lukol did not produce any toxic reaction or untoward side-effect. Considering its efficacy and safety, it can well be acclaimed as a promising remedy in the management of leucorrhoea.

2015-10-29 13:46 aaronanderson

Adults with Hepatic or Renal Impairment Clinical Trials Experience Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in clinical practice. Adults and Adolescents Allergic Rhinitis: In multiple-dose placebo-controlled trials, 2834 patients ages 12 years or older received Clarinex Tablets at doses of 2.5 mg to 20 mg daily, of whom 1655 patients received the recommended daily dose of 5 mg. In patients receiving 5 mg daily, the rate of adverse events was similar between Clarinex and placebo-treated patients. The percent of patients who withdrew prematurely due to adverse events was 2.4% in the Clarinex group and 2.6% in the placebo group. There were no serious adverse events in these trials in patients receiving desloratadine. All adverse events that were reported by greater than or equal to 2% of patients who received the recommended daily dose of [url=]Clarinex Preis[/url] Tablets (5 mg once daily), and that were more common with Clarinex Tablets than placebo, are listed in Pediatrics Two hundred and forty-six pediatric subjects 6 months to 11 years of age received Clarinex Oral Solution for 15 days in three placebo-controlled clinical trials. Pediatric subjects aged 6 to 11 years received 2.5 mg once a day, subjects aged 1 to 5 years received 1.25 mg once a day, and subjects 6 to 11 months of age received 1.0 mg once a day. In subjects 6 to 11 years of age, no individual adverse event was reported by 2 percent or more of the subjects. In subjects 2 to 5 years of age, adverse events reported for Clarinex and placebo in at least 2 percent of subjects receiving Clarinex Oral Solution and at a frequency greater than placebo were fever (5.5%, 5.4%), urinary tract infection (3.6%, 0%) and varicella (3.6%, 0%). In subjects 12 months to 23 months of age, adverse events reported for the Clarinex product and placebo in at least 2 percent of subjects receiving Clarinex Oral Solution and at a frequency greater than placebo were fever (16.9%, 12.9%), diarrhea (15.4%, 11.3%), upper respiratory tract infections (10.8%, 9.7%), coughing (10.8%, 6.5%), appetite increased (3.1%, 1.6%), emotional lability (3.1%, 0%), epistaxis (3.1%, 0%), parasitic infection (3.1%, 0%), pharyngitis (3.1%, 0%), rash maculopapular (3.1%, 0%). In subjects 6 months to 11 months of age, adverse events reported for Clarinex and placebo in at least 2 percent of subjects receiving Clarinex Oral Solution and at a frequency greater than placebo were upper respiratory tract infections (21.2%, 12.9%), diarrhea (19.7%, 8.1%), fever (12.1%, 1.6%), irritability (12.1%, 11.3%), coughing (10.6%, 9.7%), somnolence (9.1%, 8.1%), bronchitis (6.1%, 0%), otitis media (6.1%, 1.6%), vomiting (6.1%, 3.2%), anorexia (4.5%, 1.6%), pharyngitis (4.5%, 1.6%), insomnia (4.5%, 0%), rhinorrhea (4.5%, 3.2%), erythema (3.0%, 1.6%), and nausea (3.0%, 0%). There were no clinically meaningful changes in any electrocardiographic parameter, including the QTc interval. Only one of the 246 pediatric subjects receiving Clarinex Oral Solution in the clinical trials discontinued treatment because of an adverse event. Post-Marketing Experience Because adverse events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. The following spontaneous adverse events have been reported during the marketing of desloratadine: tachycardia, palpitations, rare cases of hypersensitivity reactions (such as rash, pruritus, urticaria, edema, dyspnea, and anaphylaxis), psychomotor hyperactivity, movement disorders (including dystonia, tics, and extrapyramidal symptoms), seizures, and elevated liver enzymes including bilirubin, and very rarely, hepatitis. Inhibitors of Cytochrome P450 3A4 In controlled clinical studies co-administration of desloratadine with ketoconazole, erythromycin, or azithromycin resulted in increased plasma concentrations of desloratadine and 3 hydroxydesloratadine, but there were no clinically relevant changes in the safety profile of desloratadine. [See Clinical Pharmacology (12.3).] Fluoxetine In controlled clinical studies co-administration of desloratadine with fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), resulted in increased plasma concentrations of desloratadine and 3 hydroxydesloratadine, but there were no clinically relevant changes in the safety profile of desloratadine. [See Clinical Pharmacology (12.3).] Cimetidine In controlled clinical studies co-administration of desloratadine with cimetidine, a histamine H2-receptor antagonist, resulted in increased plasma concentrations of desloratadine and 3 hydroxydesloratadine, but there were no clinically relevant changes in the safety profile of desloratadine. [See Clinical Pharmacology (12.3).] USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS Pregnancy Pregnancy Category C: There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, desloratadine should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed. Desloratadine was not teratogenic in rats or rabbits at approximately 210 and 230 times, respectively, the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) in humans at the recommended daily oral dose. An increase in pre-implantation loss and a decreased number of implantations and fetuses were noted, however, in a separate study in female rats at approximately 120 times the AUC in humans at the recommended daily oral dose. Reduced body weight and slow righting reflex were reported in pups at approximately 50 times or greater than the AUC in humans at the recommended daily oral dose. Desloratadine had no effect on pup development at approximately 7 times the AUC in humans at the recommended daily oral dose. The AUCs in comparison referred to the desloratadine exposure in rabbits and the sum of desloratadine and its metabolites exposures in rats, respectively. [See Nonclinical Toxicology (13.2).] Nursing Mothers Desloratadine passes into breast milk; therefore, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue desloratadine, taking into account the benefit of the drug to the nursing mother and the possible risk to the child. Pediatric Use The recommended dose of Clarinex Oral Solution in the pediatric population is based on cross-study comparison of the plasma concentration of Clarinex in adults and pediatric subjects. The safety of Clarinex Oral Solution has been established in 246 pediatric subjects aged 6 months to 11 years in three placebo-controlled clinical studies. Since the course of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis and chronic idiopathic urticaria and the effects of Clarinex are sufficiently similar in the pediatric and adult populations, it allows extrapolation from the adult efficacy data to pediatric patients. The effectiveness of Clarinex Oral Solution in these age groups is supported by evidence from adequate and well-controlled studies of Clarinex Tablets in adults. The safety and effectiveness of Clarinex Tablets or Clarinex Oral Solution have not been demonstrated in pediatric patients less than 6 months of age. [See Clinical Pharmacology (12.3).] The Clarinex RediTabs 2.5-mg tablet has not been evaluated in pediatric patients. Geriatric Use In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy.

2015-11-05 02:04 aaronalexander

Contact you docto i you xpinc sious sid cts o coreg including ling aint, tiresome o igula hat bats, chst dolour, shotnss o bath, impairment o bladd contol, o sv hull action. coreg is availabl in stngths o 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, o 25 mg tablts. coreg is generally speaking takn with ood; th commndd stating dos o coreg (cavdilol) is 3.125 mg twic everyday o 2 wks o hat ailu whil o oth poblms, th stating dos is 6.25 mg twic a day. coreg may hav sious sid cts that includ hypotnsion, chst cut to the quick, igula hatbat, diicult bathing and swallowing, hivs o ash, swlling, and ainting. Patints with hpatic impaimnt should not tak coreg . Ca should b takn i th patint is bewitching oth dugs, spcially thos that dissimulation blood pssu and glucos lvls as ths may undiminished with coreg and poduc hypotnsion o small glucos blood lvls. Sv xacbation o angina, hat mug and vnticula ahythmias has bn potd in angina patints ollowing th abupt discontinuation o thapy with bta-blocks lik coreg . ctivnss o coreg (cavdilol) in patints youthful than 18 yas o ag has not bn stablishd. Th a no adquat and wll-contolld studis in pgnant o bastding womn; [url=]Coreg kaufen rezeptfrei[/url] may b usd duing pgnancy o bastding not i th potntial bnit justiis th potntial isk to th tus o inant. Ou coreg Sid cts Dug Cnt povids a comphnsiv viw o availabl dug inomation on th potntial sid cts whn taking this mdication. This is not a complt list o sid cts and oths may occu. SID CTS: S also Waning and Pcautions sctions. Dizzinss, lighthaddnss, dowsinss, diaha, impotnc, o tidnss may occu. I any o ths cts psist o wosn, tll you docto o phamacist pomptly. To duc th isk o dizzinss and lighthaddnss, gt up slowly whn ising om a sitting o perjury position. Th isk o dizzinss is highst within 1 hou at you tak you dos. Prepossessing this mdication with ood and stating tatmnt with a obscene dos and slowly incasing you dos as dictd away you docto hlp to duc th isk o dizzinss. This dug may duc blood rude to you hands and t, causing thm to l cold. Smoking may wosn this ct. Dss wamly and elude tobacco us. mmb that you docto has pscibd this mdication bcaus h o sh has judgd that th bnit to you is gat than th isk o sid cts. Divers popl using this mdication do not hav sious sid cts. Tll you docto ight away i you hav any sious sid cts, including: vy gradual hatbat, sv dizzinss, ainting, odd waknss, chang in th amount o uin, numbnss/tingling o th hands/t, blu ings/tos, asy buising/blding, mntal/mood changs (such as conusion, dpssion), sizus. Although this mdication may b usd to tat hat ailu, som popl may aly dvlop nw o wosning symptoms o hat ailu, spcially at th stat o cavdilol tatmnt. Tll you docto ight away i you dvlop any o ths sious sid cts: swlling o th hands/ankls/t, sv tidnss, shotnss o bath, unxplaind/suddn wight gain. A vy sious allgic influence to this dug is a. Howv, gt mdical hlp ight away i you notic any symptoms o a sious allgic battle, including: ash, itching/swlling (spcially o th ac/tongu/thoat), sv dizzinss, toubl bathing. This is not a complt slate o possibl sid cts. I you notic oth cts not listd abov, association you docto o phamacist. o th Consum Applis to cavdilol: oal capsul xtndd las, oal tablt In totalling to its ndd cts, som unwantd cts may b causd nearby cavdilol (th activ ingdint containd in coreg ). In th vnt that any o ths sid cts do occu, thy may qui mdical attntion.Som o th sid cts that can occu with cavdilol may not nd mdical attntion. As you essentials adjusts to th mdicin duing tatmnt ths sid cts may depart away. You halth ca possional may also b abl to tll you relating to ways to duc o pvnt som o ths sid cts. I any o th ollowing sid cts continu, a bothsom o i you hav any qustions approximately thm, chck with you halth ca possional: Gnal In placbo-contolld tials, cavdilol (th activ ingdint containd in coreg ) monothapy was discontinud du to advs vnts in 4.9% o patints vsus 5.2% o placbo patints. In a viw o hat ailu tials, bta-blocks (i.., cavdilol, mtopolol, bisopolol) w associatd with incasd isks o hypotnsion, dizzinss, and badycadia, but not atigu compad with placbo. In increment, bta-block thapy was associatd with w ovall all-caus withdawals and lss hat ailu dtioation than placbo. Cadiovascula Patints with liv disas complicatd nigh ascits a at gat isk o systmic hypotnsion associatd with th us o cavdilol (th activ ingdint containd in coreg ) as this dug is a potnt potal hypotnsiv agnt. Th incidnc o dizzinss o hypotnsion is incasd before hypovolmia (dhydation, ov-diusis) and non-standard thusly may b a mo commonplace poblm in diutic-tatd subjcts and th ldly. Cadiovascula sid cts hav includd badycadia (9% to 10%), hypotnsion (9% to 14%), syncop (3% to 8%), angina pctois (2% to 6%), dma gnalizd (5% to 6%), dma dpndnt (4%), piphal dma (2% to 7%), lg dma (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), postual hypotnsion (1% to lss than o qual to 3%), myocadial ischmia (lss than 1%), tachycadia (lss than 1%), luid ovload (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), aggavatd angina pctois (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), palpitations (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), hyptnsion (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), AV block (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), bundl banch hinder (lss than 1%), piphal vascula disod (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), piphal ischmia (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), and cbovascula accidnt (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%). Cadiovascula sid cts including cadiac ailu hav bn potd aly.[] Nvous systm Th incidnc o dizzinss o hypotnsion is incasd by means of hypovolmia (dhydation, ov-diusis) and non-standard thusly may b a mo worn out poblm in diutic-tatd subjcts and th ldly. Nvous systm sid cts hav includd dizzinss (24% to 32%), hadach (5% to 8%), hypsthsia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), cbovascula accidnt (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), vtigo (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), pasthsia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), hypokinsia (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), nualgia (lss than 0.1%), pasis (lss than 0.1%), tinnitus (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), dy orifice (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), swating incasd (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), cbovascula disod (lss than o qual to 0.1%), convulsions (lss than o qual to 0.1%), migain (lss than o qual to 0.1%), and dcasd haing (lss than o qual to 0.1%). spiatoy spiatoy sid cts hav includd incasd cough (5% to 8%), als (4%), dyspna (gat than 3%), lung dma (gat than 3%), asthma (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), bonchospasm (lss than o qual to 0.1%), pulmonay dma (lss than o qual to 0.1%), and spiatoy alkalosis (lss than o qual to 0.1%). Gastointstinal Gastointstinal sid cts hav includd diaha (5% to 12%), nausa (4% to 9%), vomiting (1% to 6%), gastointstinal pain (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), mlna (gat than 0.1% to lss than 1%), piodontitis (gat than 0.1% to lss than 1%), and GI hmohag (lss than 0.1%). nal nal sid cts hav includd nal insuicincy (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), and albuminuia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%). Hmatologic Hmatologic sid cts hav includd thombocytopnia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), pupua (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), hypovolmia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), pothombin dcasd (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), anmia (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), lucopnia (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), pancytopnia (lss than o qual to 0.1%), atypical lymphocyts (lss than o qual to 0.1%). Dcass in hmatocit, d blood clls, and hmoglobin concntation hav also bn potd. aly, aplastic anmia has bn potd in postmakting xpinc. Dmatologic Dmatologic sid cts hav includd puitus (0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), ash ythmatous (0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), ash maculopapula (0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), ash psoiaom (0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), photosnsitivity actions (0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), xoliativ dmatitis (lss than 0.1%), and alopcia (lss than 0.1%). Hpatic Hpatic sid cts hav includd SGPT incasd (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), SGOT incasd (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), and incasd hpatic nzyms (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%). lvations in quantity a recapitulate tansaminass (ALT o AST) hav also bn potd. At matrix on cas o hpatotoxicity has bn potd. Gnitouinay Gnitouinay sid cts hav includd impotnc (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), dcasd libido (mal) (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), mictuition quncy incasd (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), and hmatuia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%). aly, gnitouinay sid cts including uinay incontinnc in womn hav bn potd in postmakting xpinc.[] Hypsnsitivity Hypsnsitivity sid cts hav includd allgy (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), and anaphylactoid exertion (lss than o qual to 0.1%). aly, Stvns-Johnson syndom, toxic pidmal ncolysis, ythma multiom, and hypsnsitivity actions (including anaphylactic actions, angiodma, and uticaia) hav bn potd in postmakting xpinc. Mtabolic Mtabolic sid cts hav includd hypglycmia (5% TO 12%), wight incas (10% TO 12%), BUN incas (6%), NPN incasd (6%), hypcholstolmia (1% TO 4%), dma piphal (2% TO 7%). Mtabolic sid cts potd gat than 1% to lss than 3% hav includd hypuicmia, hypoglycmia, hyponatmia, incasd alkalin phosphatas, glycosuia, hypvolmia, diabts mllitis, GGT incasd, wight impoverishment, and catinin incasd. Mtabolic sid cts potd gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1% hav includd hypokalmia and hyptiglycidmia. Psychiatic slp disod (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), aggavatd dpssion (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), impaid concntation (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), abnomal contemplative (gat than 0.1% to lss than o qual to 1%), Musculoskltal hypotonia (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%), and athitis (gat than 1% to lss than o qual to 3%).

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